Universities today are in a race to compress ever-growing amounts of new theories and knowledge into their curriculums, even as the time frame for these programs is shortened. Student capacity to absorb information is taxed. Depending on the core curriculum and how the electives are chosen, many science or engineering students will graduate with bachelors, masters or even doctoral degrees and have only a superficial understanding of finance and accounting, hardly any exposure to law (it depends on the school and the type of major), and little exposure, if at all, to advanced strategy or marketing. Similarly, graduates in the law will have gaps in their knowledge about subjects which are mandatory in business or science curriculums. This book is our response to further interdisciplinary learning in executive education.
When developing curricula for executives in MBA or Executive MBA programs, it is challenging for the teacher to find a versatile textbook that can meet the diverse learning needs of demanding students from different backgrounds, professions, interests, work experiences, and cultures. Usually the teacher can only recommend one book for an elective, when three may be needed for an interdisciplinary course. Therefore From Innovation to Cash Flows should appeal to educators who are looking for a comprehensive and flexible textbook to use in a variety of course settings.
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Prof. Lütolf-Carroll classroom tested the cases and chapters that she wrote for this book on her MBA and EMBA students at ESADE, SDA Bocconi, RSM-Erasmus University, Aalto School of Management and aSSIST (Seoul School of Integrated Sciences and Technology - Graduate Institute of Management).
Many of the book's chapters have free supplementary materials. The supplements include useful chapter appendices and mini-case studies; an extensive business, legal and scientific glossary compiled by our book's contributors; a sample confidentiality agreement; inventor disclosure guidelines; plus fully functional electronic spreadsheets that accompany the book's valuation cases. Also included are four complimentary Capstone Cases from leading business schools Stanford, Darden and Ivey. These Capstone Cases allow students to practice and integrate the concepts introduced in the text. To access these supplements, readers simply need to register and login to this book's Web site. Users may then access the files from the "Downloads" section of the website.
We welcome your suggestions. Send your comments or queries to Prof. Constance Lütolf-Carroll, ESADE Business School, email: constance.lutolfcarroll@esade.edu